Fixer, guide & lecturer

Organizing study trips for university students in groups varying from five to over 30 participants, Lena Odgaard uses her vast knowledge and network when introducing different aspects of the Palestinian society and the political situation and ensuring a truly unique and insightful experience. This is also the foundation of her lectures whether the target group is high school students, pensioners, religious tourists etc.

As a stringer and fixer for Danish TV crews she makes sure that their production can be carried out quick and professionally despite working in an volatile and sensitive region. 

Fixer for VICE Denmark

March 17 - 19, 2015: Fixing for VICE Denmark / DR3 production on Danes in Israel, "Called home to the Holy Land" ("Hjemkaldt til det Hellige Land").

Assisted with: 

- Preparation
- Getting permits
- Finding sources
- Driving in Israel and the West Bank

See the final product on